Ultimate pullups training

Less than 4 pullups

If you did 0-5 pullups during the test, increasing this number will be initially difficult. We have 2 options here:

Use Pullup assistve bands

Using the bands will be very helpful especially when you cannot do a single pullup or just barely manage one or two. It is generally the best choice for people who do just a few pushups.

When you use the bands, they will essentially take on some of your weight and make it easier for you to do multiple series of reps and you have to do series of reps to effectively increase your strength and develop muscles.

You can easily get a whole set of such bands on Amazon or elsewhere.

How to train with bands

Chose a band which will allow you to do 5-10 consecutive pullps in a test and go through the program for a while with the band. Once you get to 20 pullps with the band, remove the band or chose a lighter one.

Continue untill you do not need a band at all

Alternatively, use descending training

Alternatively, if you do not want to use bands, you can use the the training of descending presented below. It will develop your muscles and raise your endurance and strength.

Durign the descending training you'll develop your strength and endurance better than while doing normal pullups (because you would be doing only few of them). You will do more descends and will work your muscles more.

How to perform the exercise of descending:

  1. Instead of pulling yourself up, stand on a stool and hang yourself on the horizontal pullup bar (with your chin just above it).
  2. Then get off the stool and descend slowly until your hands are straight.
  3. Repeat.

You have to descend as slowly as possible. You will achieve best results when descending from the stool until your arms are straight. It should take you about 3 seconds to do a full descend.

Good luck!

If you did less than 4 pullups in the test
Day 1
120 seconds (or more) between sets
Day 4
120 seconds (or more) between sets
set 1 2 set 1 5
set 2 7 set 2 9
set 3 5 set 3 7
set 4 5 set 4 7
set 5 Exactly 7 set 5 Exactly 9
Minimum 1 day break Minimum 1 day break
Day 2
120 seconds (or more) between sets
Day 5
120 seconds (or more) between sets
set 1 3 set 1 5
set 2 8 set 2 10
set 3 6 set 3 8
set 4 6 set 4 8
set 5 Exactly 8 set 5 Exactly 10
Minimum 1 day break Minimum 1 day break
Day 3
120 seconds (or more) between sets
Day 6
120 seconds (or more) between sets
set 1 4 set 1 6
set 2 9 set 2 10
set 3 6 set 3 8
set 4 6 set 4 8
set 5 Exactly 8 set 5 Exactly 12
Minimum 2 day break Minimum 2 day break

The History of Pull-Up Exercises

Pull-up exercises are a fundamental and effective way to strengthen the upper body, particularly the muscles of the back, shoulders, and arms. The history of pull-up exercises dates back centuries and has evolved from various forms of physical training and military practices.

One of the earliest recorded instances of pull-up-like exercises can be traced back to ancient Greece, where they were known as "sternum pull-ups." These exercises were a part of the physical training regimen of Greek athletes and soldiers. They involved grabbing a horizontal bar and pulling one's chest up to the bar, similar to modern pull-ups. The Greeks believed that such exercises were essential for building strength and endurance.

During the Roman Empire, physical fitness was highly valued, and Roman soldiers were required to maintain a high level of physical conditioning. Pull-up-like exercises were incorporated into their training routines. Roman soldiers often used beams or wooden bars suspended horizontally to practice these movements. These exercises helped them develop the upper body strength needed for combat and other military tasks.

As the centuries passed, variations of pull-up exercises continued to appear in different cultures around the world. In Asia, for example, martial arts practitioners incorporated pull-up movements into their training to enhance their upper body strength. The martial art of Kung Fu, in particular, emphasized exercises that involved pulling oneself up on bars and beams.

Fast forward to the 19th century, and we see the emergence of gymnastics as a popular form of physical training and entertainment. Gymnasts were known for their incredible strength and agility, and pull-up exercises were a staple in their routines. Gymnastics apparatus like the horizontal bar provided the perfect platform for performing various pull-up variations.

It was during the early 20th century that pull-ups gained recognition as an essential exercise in physical fitness. This period saw the development of calisthenics as a formal exercise discipline. Calisthenics, which includes bodyweight exercises like push-ups, squats, and, of course, pull-ups, became widely practiced in schools and military training programs.

World War I played a significant role in popularizing pull-ups. The United States military recognized the importance of physical fitness for its soldiers, and pull-ups became a standard exercise in military training. The term "pull-up" itself was coined during this time, and the exercise was officially included in the military's fitness tests.

During World War II, the importance of physical fitness and strength training was further emphasized. Pull-ups were used to assess the physical fitness of military recruits. This period also saw the development of various pull-up bar designs and training techniques to help individuals improve their performance in this exercise.

In the post-World War II era, as the fitness industry began to take shape, pull-ups remained a key exercise in strength training programs. Gymnastics, bodybuilding, and other sports and fitness activities incorporated pull-ups as a means to develop upper body strength and muscular definition.

With the advent of modern fitness equipment, pull-up bars became a common fixture in gyms and fitness centers. Various grips and handles were introduced to target different muscle groups and provide variety to the exercise. Pull-ups became an integral part of bodybuilding routines, helping athletes sculpt their back and arm muscles.

Today, pull-ups continue to be a popular exercise in the fitness world. They are not only a staple in strength training but also play a crucial role in functional fitness programs like CrossFit. Pull-up variations such as chin-ups, wide-grip pull-ups, and kipping pull-ups offer athletes and fitness enthusiasts a wide range of challenges and training options.

The appeal of pull-ups lies in their simplicity and effectiveness. They require minimal equipment, making them accessible to a broad range of individuals. Pull-ups engage multiple muscle groups simultaneously, including the latissimus dorsi, biceps, and deltoids, making them an efficient way to build upper body strength.

Moreover, pull-ups can be modified to accommodate individuals at different fitness levels. Beginners can use resistance bands or assistance machines to make the exercise more manageable, while advanced athletes can add weights or perform advanced variations to increase the intensity.

In recent years, the popularity of bodyweight training and functional fitness has led to a resurgence of interest in pull-up exercises. Many fitness enthusiasts appreciate the challenge of mastering the pull-up, and they view it as a testament to their strength and athleticism.

In conclusion, the history of pull-up exercises is a fascinating journey that spans centuries and cultures. From ancient Greece to modern fitness centers, the pull-up has evolved and adapted to various training philosophies and needs. Today, it remains a timeless and effective exercise for anyone looking to build upper body strength and improve their physical fitness.