Ultimate pullups training

36-40 Pullups

If you did 36-40 pullups in the test
Day 1
120 seconds (or more) between sets
Day 5
120 seconds (or more) between sets
set 1 23 set 1 26
set 2 27 set 2 31
set 3 22 set 3 25
set 4 22 set 4 25
set 5 max (minimum 26) set 5 max (minimum 31)
Minimum 1 day break Minimum 1 day break
Day 2
120 seconds (or more) between sets
Day 6
120 seconds (or more) between sets
set 1 24 set 1 26
set 2 28 set 2 31
set 3 24 set 3 26
set 4 24 set 4 26
set 5 max (minimum 28) set 5 max (minimum 26)
Minimum 1 day break Minimum 2 day break
Day 3
120 seconds (or more) between sets
Day 7
120 seconds (or more) between sets
set 1 25 set 1 27
set 2 29 set 2 31
set 3 24 set 3 26
set 4 24 set 4 26
set 5 max (minimum 29) set 5 max (minimum 32)
Minimum 2 day break Minimum 1 day break
Day 4
120 seconds (or more) between sets
Day 8
120 seconds (or more) between sets
set 1 26 set 1 28
set 2 30 set 2 32
set 3 25 set 3 26
set 4 25 set 4 26
set 5 max (minimum 30) set 5 max (minimum 32)
Minimum 1 day break Minimum 1 day break
Day 9
120 seconds (or more) between sets
set 1 28
set 2 34
set 3 27
set 4 27
set 5 max (minimum 34)
Minimum 2 day break

Best Times to Do Pull-Ups During the Day

Pull-ups are a versatile and effective exercise for building upper body strength and endurance. Whether you're a fitness enthusiast, an athlete, or simply looking to incorporate pull-ups into your daily routine, the timing of your workouts can have an impact on your performance and results. In this article, we'll explore the best times to do pull-ups during the day, taking into consideration various factors such as energy levels, goals, and convenience.

1. Morning Pull-Ups: Kickstart Your Day

Doing pull-ups in the morning can be an excellent way to kickstart your day. Here are some benefits of morning pull-ups:

  • Energy Boost: Morning pull-ups can help increase your energy levels, making you feel more awake and alert for the rest of the day.
  • Mental Focus: Exercise in the morning has been shown to improve mental focus and cognitive function, which can benefit your work or daily tasks.
  • Consistency: By working out in the morning, you establish a routine that can lead to better adherence to your fitness goals.

However, it's important to note that your muscles and joints may be less flexible and more prone to injury in the morning. Be sure to incorporate a proper warm-up routine before attempting pull-ups.

2. Midday Pull-Ups: Break from Work or Study

Midday pull-ups can be an ideal way to break up your work or study sessions and provide a mental and physical recharge. Here are some advantages of midday pull-ups:

  • Stress Reduction: Taking a break for physical activity can help reduce stress and improve your mood, which can be especially beneficial during a busy workday.
  • Improved Posture: Midday pull-ups can counteract the negative effects of prolonged sitting by engaging your back, shoulders, and core muscles, promoting better posture.
  • Energy Renewal: A short pull-up session can provide an energy boost, helping you stay productive in the afternoon.

Consider incorporating pull-ups into your lunch break or between study sessions to maximize the benefits.

3. Evening Pull-Ups: Wind Down and Build Strength

For some individuals, evening pull-ups may be the most convenient option. Here's why evening pull-ups can be effective:

  • Body Warmth: By the evening, your body is typically warmed up, and your joints are more flexible, reducing the risk of injury during pull-ups.
  • Strength Building: Evening workouts can focus on building strength, as your muscles are well-rested and have had time to recover from earlier activities.
  • Stress Relief: Evening pull-ups can help alleviate the stress and tension accumulated throughout the day, promoting relaxation.

However, one potential drawback of evening workouts is that they may be too stimulating for some individuals and interfere with sleep. If you're sensitive to late-night exercise, try to complete your pull-up session at least a couple of hours before bedtime.

4. Consider Your Goals and Body Clock

When determining the best time for pull-ups, it's essential to consider your fitness goals and your body's natural rhythms. Here are some factors to keep in mind:

  • Strength vs. Endurance: If your primary goal is to build strength, you may find that afternoon or evening workouts are more effective, as your muscles are at their strongest. On the other hand, if you're aiming to improve endurance, morning workouts can be a good choice.
  • Body Clock: Pay attention to your body's natural energy fluctuations. Some people are naturally more energized in the morning, while others are night owls. Align your pull-up sessions with your peak energy levels for optimal performance.
  • Consistency: Regardless of the time you choose, consistency is key. Regularly incorporating pull-ups into your routine is more important than the specific time of day.

5. Listen to Your Body

Ultimately, the best time to do pull-ups is the time that works best for you and fits into your schedule. It's essential to listen to your body and choose a time when you feel most motivated and energized. Some individuals thrive on early morning workouts, while others prefer the invigoration of an afternoon session.

If you're uncertain, consider experimenting with different times of day for your pull-up workouts and monitor how your body responds. You'll likely discover when you feel most comfortable and perform at your best.


When it comes to doing pull-ups, the best time of day ultimately depends on your personal preferences, schedule, and fitness goals. Whether you choose to start your day with morning pull-ups, take a midday break, or wind down with evening sessions, the key is consistency and listening to your body's cues. Regardless of the time, incorporating pull-ups into your routine can help you build strength, improve posture, reduce stress, and enhance your overall fitness and well-being.