Ultimate pullups training

12-15 Pullups

If you did 12-15 pullups in the test
Day 1
120 seconds (or more) between sets
Day 4
120 seconds (or more) between sets
set 1 6 set 1 7
set 2 8 set 2 10
set 3 6 set 3 7
set 4 6 set 4 7
set 5 Max (Min 8) set 5 Max (Min 10)
Minimum 1 day break Minimum 1 day break
Day 2
120 seconds (or more) between sets
Day 5
120 seconds (or more) between sets
set 1 6 set 1 8
set 2 9 set 2 11
set 3 6 set 3 8
set 4 6 set 4 8
set 5 Max (Min 9) set 5 Max (Min 10)
Minimum 1 day break Minimum 1 day break
Day 3
120 seconds (or more) between sets
Day 6
120 seconds (or more) between sets
set 1 7 set 1 9
set 2 10 set 2 11
set 3 6 set 3 9
set 4 6 set 4 9
set 5 Max (Min 9) set 5 Max (Min 11)
Minimum 2 day break Minimum 2 day break

The Benefits of Pull-Up Training in Various Sports

Pull-up training is a versatile and effective method for enhancing athletic performance across a wide range of sports. The ability to lift one's body weight is a fundamental skill that can significantly benefit athletes in terms of strength, endurance, and injury prevention. In this article, we explore how pull-up training can be advantageous for athletes participating in various sports disciplines.

1. Gymnastics

Gymnasts are known for their exceptional upper body strength and control. Pull-up training is a staple in gymnastics for several reasons:

  1. Increased Strength: Pull-ups help gymnasts develop the upper body strength needed for various apparatuses, such as the rings and uneven bars. The ability to perform multiple pull-ups with ease is a testament to their strength and power.
  2. Enhanced Control: Pull-up exercises require precise control of body movement and posture. This control is crucial for executing intricate gymnastic routines with fluidity and grace.
  3. Injury Prevention: The strengthened shoulder girdle and core muscles acquired through pull-up training can help prevent common gymnastics injuries, such as shoulder impingements and lower back strains.

2. Rock Climbing

Rock climbers heavily rely on their upper body strength and grip. Pull-up training provides several advantages to climbers:

  1. Improved Grip Strength: Rock climbers require exceptional grip strength to hold onto rocks and climbing holds. Pull-ups, especially on fingerboards or rock rings, target grip strength directly.
  2. Upper Body Endurance: Pull-up variations like dead hangs and lock-offs help climbers build the endurance needed for sustained climbs and challenging routes.
  3. Dynamic Movements: Pull-ups involve dynamic movements that simulate the actions climbers perform on the wall. This functional training transfers directly to climbing performance.

3. Swimming

Swimmers require a strong upper body and back for propulsion and stability in the water. Pull-up training offers benefits for swimmers in the following ways:

  1. Enhanced Upper Body Strength: Pull-ups target the latissimus dorsi and deltoid muscles, which are essential for powerful and efficient strokes in the water.
  2. Improved Posture and Streamlining: Strong back muscles contribute to better posture and streamlined body position, reducing water resistance and improving swimming efficiency.
  3. Injury Prevention: The balanced development of upper body muscles through pull-up training can help swimmers avoid overuse injuries often associated with repetitive swimming motions.

4. Basketball

Basketball players benefit from pull-up training due to the sport's physical demands, including jumping, shooting, and rebounding:

  1. Increased Vertical Jump: Pull-ups enhance upper body and core strength, which can contribute to an athlete's ability to jump higher for rebounds and slam dunks.
  2. Improved Shooting Accuracy: A strong upper body helps players maintain better shooting form and control over the basketball, leading to improved shooting accuracy.
  3. Physical Resilience: Pull-up training can help basketball players withstand the physical contact and challenges on the court, reducing the risk of injury.

5. CrossFit

CrossFit athletes engage in a wide variety of functional movements and workouts. Pull-up training plays a key role in CrossFit for several reasons:

  1. Versatility: Pull-ups can be incorporated into CrossFit workouts in numerous ways, such as kipping pull-ups, strict pull-ups, and chest-to-bar pull-ups, providing a versatile tool for building strength and endurance.
  2. Upper Body Stamina: CrossFit workouts often involve high-repetition pull-up sets, helping athletes build the upper body stamina required for intense training sessions.
  3. Core Engagement: Pull-ups engage the core muscles, contributing to improved stability and performance in various CrossFit exercises and lifts.

6. Martial Arts

Martial artists rely on upper body strength and stability for striking, grappling, and self-defense. Pull-up training benefits martial artists in the following ways:

  1. Increased Striking Power: A strong back and shoulders generated through pull-ups can enhance the power and speed of punches and strikes in martial arts disciplines.
  2. Improved Grip Strength: Pull-up variations, such as towel pull-ups, develop grip strength, which is essential for controlling an opponent in grappling sports like Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu.
  3. Balance and Control: Pull-up exercises that emphasize core engagement improve balance and control during martial arts movements and defensive techniques.


Pull-up training is a valuable asset for athletes in various sports. Its ability to develop upper body strength, endurance, and functional fitness makes it a versatile and effective exercise. Whether you're a gymnast, rock climber, swimmer, basketball player, CrossFit athlete, or martial artist, incorporating pull-ups into your training regimen can lead to improved performance, reduced risk of injury, and greater success in your chosen sport. Remember to perform pull-ups with proper form and progressively challenge yourself to realize the full benefits of this fundamental exercise.