Ultimate pullups training

26-30 Pullups

If you did 21-25 pullups in the test
Day 1
120 seconds (or more) between sets
Day 5
120 seconds (or more) between sets
set 1 16 set 1 18
set 2 18 set 2 23
set 3 15 set 3 18
set 4 15 set 4 18
set 5 max (minimum 17) set 5 max (minimum 22)
Minimum 1 day break Minimum 1 day break
Day 2
120 seconds (or more) between sets
Day 6
120 seconds (or more) between sets
set 1 16 set 1 19
set 2 20 set 2 25
set 3 16 set 3 18
set 4 16 set 4 18
set 5 max (minimum 19) set 5 max (minimum 24)
Minimum 1 day break Minimum 2 day break
Day 3
120 seconds (or more) between sets
Day 7
120 seconds (or more) between sets
set 1 17 set 1 19
set 2 21 set 2 26
set 3 16 set 3 18
set 4 16 set 4 18
set 5 max (minimum 20) set 5 max (minimum 25)
Minimum 2 day break Minimum 1 day break
Day 4
120 seconds (or more) between sets
Day 8
120 seconds (or more) between sets
set 1 17 set 1 19
set 2 22 set 2 27
set 3 17 set 3 19
set 4 17 set 4 19
set 5 max (minimum 22) set 5 max (minimum 26)
Minimum 1 day break Minimum 1 day break
Day 9
120 seconds (or more) between sets
set 1 20
set 2 28
set 3 20
set 4 20
set 5 max (minimum 28)
Minimum 2 day break

Pull-Ups in Space: Exercising in Microgravity

Exercise is an essential part of an astronaut's daily routine in space. Maintaining physical fitness and health during extended space missions is crucial, and one of the exercises that astronauts perform is the adaptation of pull-ups to the unique microgravity environment. In this article, we explore how astronauts exercise in space, including the challenges they face and the benefits of pull-up-like exercises in microgravity.

Exercising in Microgravity

Space is a microgravity environment, which means there is very little gravitational force acting on astronauts and objects. This poses significant challenges to the human body, as muscles and bones can weaken and atrophy in the absence of resistance provided by gravity. To counteract these effects and maintain physical health, astronauts follow a structured exercise regimen while in space.

The Importance of Exercise in Space

Exercise is crucial for astronauts for several reasons:

  1. Muscle and Bone Health: Without the resistance of gravity, muscles and bones can weaken and lose density. Regular exercise helps astronauts mitigate muscle atrophy and bone loss during their missions.
  2. Cardiovascular Fitness: Maintaining cardiovascular health is essential, as the heart may weaken in microgravity. Aerobic exercise, such as cycling or running on a treadmill, helps astronauts keep their hearts strong.
  3. Functional Fitness: Astronauts need to be physically capable of performing various tasks during space missions, from spacewalks to lifting heavy equipment. Exercise helps maintain their functional fitness and overall strength.
  4. Mental Well-being: Exercise also has psychological benefits. It helps astronauts combat stress, improve mood, and cope with the challenges of living and working in the confined space of a spacecraft.

Adapting Pull-Ups to Microgravity

Pull-ups are a popular exercise on Earth for developing upper body strength, particularly targeting the back, shoulders, and arms. However, performing traditional pull-ups in microgravity is not feasible due to the lack of gravitational resistance. To address this challenge, astronauts use specialized exercise equipment designed for space, such as the Advanced Resistive Exercise Device (ARED).

The Advanced Resistive Exercise Device (ARED)

The ARED is a piece of exercise equipment on the International Space Station (ISS) that enables astronauts to perform resistance-based exercises, including movements similar to pull-ups. Here's how the ARED works:

  1. Vacuum Cylinders: The ARED uses vacuum cylinders to simulate the resistance provided by gravity. These cylinders can create adjustable resistance levels, allowing astronauts to control the difficulty of their exercises.
  2. Foot Restraints: Astronauts secure themselves in foot restraints attached to the ARED to stay stable during exercise. These restraints prevent them from floating away while exerting force.
  3. Range of Motion: The ARED allows astronauts to perform pull-up-like movements by pulling their bodies upward while gripping handles. It provides a full range of motion, ensuring that astronauts can engage the targeted muscles effectively.
  4. Data Collection: The ARED is equipped with sensors that collect data on the astronaut's performance, including the amount of force exerted and the number of repetitions. This data is valuable for monitoring the astronaut's progress and ensuring they meet their exercise goals.

Benefits of Pull-Up-Like Exercises in Microgravity

Performing pull-up-like exercises in microgravity offers several benefits to astronauts:

  1. Upper Body Strength: Pull-up-like exercises target the muscles of the back, shoulders, and arms. This helps astronauts maintain and develop upper body strength, which is essential for various tasks in space, such as handling equipment and performing spacewalks.
  2. Grip Strength: Maintaining a strong grip is crucial for astronauts, as it enables them to handle tools and equipment effectively. Pull-up exercises, including gripping handles on the ARED, help astronauts develop and maintain grip strength.
  3. Muscle Endurance: Pull-up-like exercises in microgravity improve muscular endurance, allowing astronauts to perform physically demanding tasks for extended periods without fatigue.
  4. Bone Health: While pull-ups mainly target muscles, the mechanical loading provided by the ARED also helps stimulate bones, reducing the risk of bone loss in space.
  5. Functional Fitness: Maintaining functional fitness is essential for astronauts to carry out mission-specific tasks. Exercises like pull-ups prepare astronauts for activities such as spacewalks, where they need to maneuver and manipulate their bodies in a weightless environment.

Challenges of Exercising in Microgravity

While pull-up-like exercises in microgravity offer numerous benefits, they come with unique challenges:

  1. Adaptation Period: Astronauts often need some time to adapt to exercising in microgravity. Movements and muscle engagement differ from those on Earth, and it can take time to develop the necessary techniques.
  2. Equipment Maintenance: Space exercise equipment, including the ARED, requires regular maintenance to ensure it functions correctly. Any malfunctions or breakdowns can disrupt an astronaut's exercise routine.
  3. Time Constraints: Astronauts have busy schedules on the ISS, with various scientific experiments and maintenance tasks. Finding time for exercise is essential but can be challenging.
  4. Psychological Impact: Exercise in space is not just physical but also psychological. Astronauts must remain motivated to maintain their fitness routines despite the isolation and confinement of space.


Exercise is a vital component of an astronaut's daily routine in space, helping them counteract the detrimental effects of microgravity on muscles and bones. While traditional pull-ups are not feasible in microgravity, astronauts adapt by using specialized equipment like the ARED. These pull-up-like exercises play a crucial role in maintaining upper body strength, grip strength, and overall fitness, ensuring that astronauts are physically prepared for the challenges of space missions.